Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Softball Pitching Basics - 10 Things You Need to Know Part2

Part 2 Learn to Control Yourself and your Pitches

3. You must be throwing 400-500 pitches every week now. You have to throw pitches, and lots of them to develop your pitching muscles. You also have to develop your fastpitch softball gloves hand. You need to keep both sides of your body in shape.

4. Begin to Develop your Control of your Pitch. To develop true control, you have to be in control. That means you have to keep your head on straight as they say. Stay calm, don't worry if you throw a bad pitch. Tell yourself that no matter where the pitch ends up that is exactly where you intended it to go. Make the batter and everyone else believe that.
Don't be distracted by the other team, or by fans or parents. Keep cool about the umpire's call. Just stay cool and show no emotion in the circle. Show everyone that You are in control of the game.
When you get Control, when you have a good smooth windmill pitching motion. Your body motion is smooth and controlled, your release is the same every time, then you can start working on placement.
You can start working on accuracy and placement by working to hit your spots. Start out by pitching to the 4 corners - low inside, low outside, high inside, high outside.
Later you will work on variations of those spots and add more.

Stay tuned softball fans for more tips for beginning Fastpitch Softball pitchers.

Just keepin' it real....

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