Friday, April 9, 2010

Softball Pitching Article You might Enjoy

Are you ready for the Big Time? Are you the kid next door that everyone is talking about as being the next softball superstar? The girl in This Article certainly is. She may try to stay anonymous for a while but all the coaches know who she is by now. Read the article and see how you compare.

She definitely has all the physical attributes necessary to be a standout college player. Coaches across the country know who she is and whats amazing is that she is just 15 years old.

Are you ready to go for the big time? Or do you just want to be the best you can be? Both are great goals. Keep up the hard work. Do you have all the right softball stuff you need, new pitchers glove, maybe a third base glove. Check your shoes, are they clean and polished. College coaches look for things like that. Is your uniform clean and not all wrinkled? Check your other things like your softball glove. Did you remember to recondition it after a rainy game day? These things will all help you perform better when it counts.

There is still time to get into great softball shape too. Remember to workout during the season also.

Just Keepin' it real...

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