Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Softball Coaches First Aid Kit - Top 10 Items

Every time we go out to the softball field whether for practice or for games we take the chance of someone getting hurt. I hate to have to worry about this but that is the reality.

How do we deal with this? We start by being prepared. Guess that comes from being an Eagle Boy Scout. That bodes well for all aspects of life too.

A First Aid Kit is probably the one thing that every one know we need to have on hand. It is also the thing we forget to bring the most.

Here is a short list of the 10 most needed things to have in a First Aid Kit.

(these are just suggestions and you can add or remove based on your experience)

1. Ice or chemical ice bags, or plastic bags to hold ice.
2. Band-Aids: Lots of them in all sizes
3. Adhesive Tape: the athletic type
4. Gauze
5. Scissors
6. Antibiotic Ointment
7. Ace type Bandage: for wrapping ice bags etc
8. Towel or cloth
9. Cotton Swabs
10. Medical Release forms

Now obviously there can be many more things added to this list. You should bring as much as you can fit into your first aid kit and know how and when to use them.

Remember the RICE too!

The R-I-C-E principles for injuries and treating injuries.

R- Rest: stop the activity as soon as the pain or injury is noticed.
I- Ice: apply an ice pack immediately to a new injury. Never directly on the skin. Apply for intervals of 20 minutes until swelling stops.
C- Compression: Start with a wet wrap then add an ace bandage later. Start farthest from the injury and wrap towards the heart. If the swelling is severe, loosen the wrap until it subsides.
E- Elevation: elevate the injured part so that it is higher than the heart. Keep elevated until swelling stops or you see the doctor.

I'm not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV so if your child is injured use the RICE and get them to the doctor if needed.

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